The Voice
Grand Knight's Message
From Chaplain's Desk
Programme Report
Church Activities
Community Activities
Council Activities
Family Activities
Dear Brother Knights:
We are in the month of February and on the 25th we shall be starting the season of Lent. I would like to remind you that this season is a preparation for the high point of our religion namely, Easter. It should, therefore, be a time to prepare ourselves for this great feast by following the precept of the Church of going to Confession and the Holy Eucharist.
The installation of the Executive took place on Sunday, January 25, 1998. It was well attended not only by our members but also by many of the parishioners, who stayed after Mass to witness the event. The social gathering afterwards was an occasion to meet our families for the first time. I would like to thank all those brothers, who donated items of food and refreshments and thus made the occasion a happy one.
We shall be having a First degree exemplification during our next meeting on February 15. We hope to have number of candidates go through the paces at that time.
The next big event for us will be our Charter
dinner & dance to be held on April 18, 1998. Arrangements are well
in hand and full details will be provided to you shortly.
Nuno de Lima KHS
Grand Knight
The month of February has been coined as the "February Blahs", bust as Catholics there are some important feast days that should be an example of hope and expectation. On February 2, we shall be celebrating the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord. This will be marked with a special Mass at St. Andrew's Church starting at 7.30 p.m. It is tradition that everyone bring their own candles to the Mass that will be blessed during the Mass. These candles are to be taken home and lit when there is illness in the family or there is a special need. Since the next day February 3 is the feast of St. Blase (patron of illnesses of the throat), you will also have the opportunity to have your throats blessed after Mass on February 2.
February 11 we will be celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This too is an opportunity to reflect on the power of healing Mary has in our lives and dedicate ourselves to her. On February 21, His Grace Archbishop Ambrozic will be consecrated in Rome as the third Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Toronto. As we rejoice with him as our local shepherd, let us keep him in our prayers on this blessed day.
February 25 we begin our Lenten journey starting with Ash Wednesday. This day, I will have left already for my pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I shall be with you in prayers as I visit the birth place of Our Lord. Be assured that will remember Mother Teresa Council as I celebrate Mass at the most sacred places of our faith. As we all journey towards Our Lord during this month let us put on the spirit of Mother Teresa, who is always a light to our Council
Fr. Xavier de Pinto
Volunteers are required to take charge
of the following activities within our programme:
Church Activities, which include
activities such as vocations, lay apostolate, parochial services, religious
devotions and Christ in Christmas.
Community Activities, which include
Pro-life, volunteerism, human needs, civic involvement, environment, public
safety, health services and decency.
Council Activities, which include
public relations, fraternalism, cultural, social, blood donors and athletics.
Family Activities, which include
survivors' assistance, memorials, education, communications, family of
the month/year, family projects, recreation and family week.
Youth Activities, which include
Columbian Squires, youth groups, athletics, educational programmes, youth
welfare, religious activities and social activities.
The various activities listed are those
that we can be involved in. This does not mean that we shall have to deal
with all of them. We shall have to decide what we can do effectively considering
our limited resources and then gradually build on them.
Brothers, those who wish to volunteer and
take charge of one of these areas, should contact our Programme Director,
Bro. John Silva either on our General Meeting night or by honing him at
(416) 740-3438. Please be generous with your time and let us make our Council
a vibrant one in the spirit of Mother Teresa.
Religious Devotions
The icon of Our Lady of the New Advent
was blessed by our Supreme Chaplain during the Marian Hour of Prayer held
during the Supreme Convention at Montreal. A replica was handed over to
our State Deputy and it is now travelling through the various Districts.
Councils in each District can then hold its own hour of prayer.
The icon is scheduled to visit District
24 from June 2 to the 11, 1998. Arrangements have been made for it to come
to our Council on June 8, 1998. A Marian hour of prayer has, therefore,
been scheduled for that day at St. Andrew's Catholic Church commencing
at 7.00 p.m.
Mary holds a special place within the Knights of Columbus. It would, therefore, be very edifying to the Parish community if all Council members and their families were present at this event. So, please mark it on your calendars and ensure that you are present for it.
Health Services
The sale of the first 200 books of the
Card Draw tickets has gone off very well. We have now received a further
batch of 200 books. Brothers, you are to be congratulated on your effort
and I sincerely hope that you will redouble your efforts on the sale of
this new allotment.
The installation of the Executive took
place on January 25, 1998 and it was indeed an impressive occasion. The
presence of the Fourth Degree Honour Guard was very much appreciated and
their presence showed the flag to the Parish community. Thanks to Bro.
John Silva for all his hard work all those members who contributed items
of food and refreshment.
The Council's Charter Dinner & Dance
is scheduled for April 18, 1998. Arrangements are well in hand and hopefully
full details will be available at our February meeting. Please keep this
evening open and try to get as many of your friends and relatives for it.
Public Relations
Thanks to Roy de Lima, son of our Grand
Knight, our Council is now on the internet. Any member, who has access
to the net, can browse our home page by calling up
Your comments and suggestions on this would be very much appreciated.
Your prayers are requested for the following
in the time of their illness:
Horacio Alberto father of Bro. Mario Alberto
Jose Alberto brother of Bro. Mario Alberto
Silvano Carreiro father-in-law of Bro.
Dimas Raposo
Thanks to Bro. Michael Ricci, Past Grand Knight of Westbridge Council, who volunteered to conduct the Free Throw competition at St. John Vianney School, where he is the Vice-Principal. The competition was held on January 29 and February 2, 1998. The participation was strong and all the children enjoyed themselves.
Our thanks also go to the Principal of the school for allowing this event to take place during school hours and to the teachers, who assisted with it.
A number of members have still not paid
their dues. Please arrange to pay the same promptly so that your membership
is in good standing.
The following degrees have been scheduled:
First Degree:
February 16, 1998 in St. Andrew's Church
hall commencing at 8.00 p.m. Candidates are required to be present at 7.30
p.m. It would be appreciated if as many members as possible could attend
this event to welcome our new members.
Second Degree:
March 31, 1998 at Humber Valley Council
chambers commencing at 7.30 p.m. Candidates are required to meet at 7.00
p.m. All members, who have not yet taken this degree should make it a point
to attend
April 23, 1998 at St. Peter & Paul
Third Degree
May 3, 1998 at John F. Kennedy Council,
Burnhamthorpe Road, commencing at 1.30 p.m. Candidates are required to
meet at 1.00 p.m. Members, who have already taken their second degree and
those who take the second on March 31, should attend this degree.
Executive: Monthly, every 2nd
Monday at 7.00 p.m.
General Meeting: Monthly, every 3rd Tuesday.
Mass 7:30pm